Sabado, Nobyembre 9, 2013

Chrno Crusade anime review

Chrno Crusade
by IchigoKuro
I'd been wanting to watch Chrono Crusade (also known as Chrno Crusade because of a typo in the first volume logo) for a while before I actually did, mainly because I was looking for a romance anime to kind of calm down the amount of action anime I'd been watching. So I watched the first episode and hey, it turned out to be an action/romantic comedy. But here's the thing: this anime owns.
The story is hard to describe because of how many different plotlines there are: Rosette searching for her younger brother Joshua, Satella searching for her older sister, Aion searching for the seven Apostles and of course, the love story between Chrono and Rosette. To put it simply, the story is fantastic with the amount of plot twists and revelations, and it just seems realistic given the circumstances of a nun in a relationship with a demon.
The animation is great. It's one of the best animated ones I've ever seen. And this may seem like a minor note, but when Rosette is releasing Chrono's true form, it's fantastic to watch. The animation is consistently smooth and fast paced, and the final battle between Chrono and Aion is stunning.
The sound just blew me away. Between the opening and voice acting, it all sounds great. The opening is calming and soft, and the voice acting is spot on. Rosette's voice acting in particular is brilliant. It may interest you to know that Rosette's voice actress also voiced Sui-Feng in Bleach. That's a bit of dynamic character acting, am I right? And that's not to say that the rest of the voice acting isn't top notch, because it is. Aion, Chrono, Azmaria and Remington are all very well voiced.
Holy crap, I love these characters. This is one of those anime where there's not a single character that I hate. Aion is a bit of a douche, but he's still a great villain. Azmaria is a bit slow, but she's a great asset and pretty damn adorable. Satella can be a bit bitchy, but she's very good-hearted and I kind of felt sorry for her when she breaks down in tears after it is revealed that her sister is alive. Steiner is very much like Watari from Death Note, except that he is not a sniper rifle wielding old man. Chrono is an insanely well developed character, with his ever growing relationship with Rosette and Azmaria. And then we have Rosette. HOLY CHRIST, is she a good character. She's very upbeat, cheerful, easy-going and laid-back. At the same time, though, she is constantly haunted by Aion and despite her carefree demeanor, she can be very serious when the going gets tough.
I also need to point this out: if you don't cry at this anime, you have no soul whatsoever. I was sent into a state of depression after watching this anime. I'm not kidding. You'll understand when you watch it yourself.
Overall, this quickly became one of my favourite anime immediatley after watching it. It's practically flawless. Sure the plot can be a bit confusing and Aion is a tad douchey, but that's an unimportant argument. To conclude, I rate this anime a 10 out of 10, and you NEED to watch it.
Rating: 10/10

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